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  • Writer's pictureJosh Woodcock

Roofing 101: Understanding Different Roof Types for the Pacific Northwest

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

Essential Considerations for Homeowners: From timeless classics to modern innovations, the variety, colors, and profiles of roofing can add protection and beauty to your home in Yakima

When it comes to roofing, understanding the different types of roofs available is crucial for homeowners, especially in the Pacific Northwest. The region's unique climate and weather patterns require roofs that can withstand heavy rain, wind, and snowfall. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the world of roofing and gain a better understanding of the various roof types commonly used in residential properties in the Pacific Northwest and, particularly the Yakima Valley.


Asphalt Shingle Roof:

Asphalt shingle roofs are the most popular choice for Pacific Northwest homeowners due to their affordability, versatility, and ability to handle the region's weather conditions. They offer good resistance against rain and wind, making them suitable for the frequent rainfall and occasional storms in the area. Additionally, asphalt shingle roofs can effectively shed water and prevent leaks when properly installed.

Metal Roof:

Metal roofs are an excellent choice for the Pacific Northwest due to their durability and ability to withstand the region's rainy climate. They offer exceptional water shedding capabilities, preventing water accumulation and reducing the risk of leaks. Metal roofs are highly resistant to moisture, minimizing the chances of mold or rot. They are also sturdy enough to withstand strong winds common in coastal areas.

Tile Roof:

Tile roofs, such as clay or concrete tiles, are well-suited for the Pacific Northwest's climate. They offer excellent resistance against rain and wind, and their interlocking design provides an added layer of protection against water infiltration. Tile roofs have a long lifespan and are highly durable, making them ideal for the region's wet and occasionally stormy weather.

Wood Shake or Shingle Roof:

Wood shake or shingle roofs can provide a charming and natural aesthetic to homes in the Pacific Northwest. While they require regular maintenance to prevent issues such as moss or rot, they can perform well in the region's climate. Properly treated and maintained wood roofs can withstand the frequent rain and offer good insulation properties, keeping homes comfortable year-round.

Stone-Coated Steel Roof:

Stone-coated steel roofs combine the durability of steel with the aesthetics of traditional roofing materials. They are designed to mimic the look of slate, clay tiles, or wood shakes while offering superior performance in the Pacific Northwest's climate. Stone-coated steel roofs are highly resistant to rain, wind, and hail, and they provide excellent durability and longevity. They are lightweight, fire-resistant, and can withstand extreme weather conditions, making them an ideal choice for homeowners seeking a long-lasting and low-maintenance roofing option.


From asphalt shingles to stone-coated steel, we've covered an array of roof types that excel in the Pacific Northwest. As we conclude, let's summarize the essential points to help you navigate the selection process and choose the ideal roof for your Pacific Northwest residence.


Selecting the right roof type for your Yakima residence or building, requires careful consideration of the region's weather patterns and unique challenges. Whether you opt for the affordability of asphalt shingles, the durability of metal, the elegance of tile, the rustic charm of wood shakes, or the longevity and performance of stone-coated steel, each roof type can excel in the Pacific Northwest when properly installed and maintained. Consult with a professional roofing contractor specializing in the region to assess your specific needs and make an informed choice. Your trusted roofing expert will guide you through the selection process and ensure the installation of a roof that not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also provides reliable protection against the Yakima area's elements for years to come.

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